Throughout history, crystals have been used to promote healing on a physical, mental and emotional level. Crystals are natural electromagnetic conductors that resonate with our bodies’ vibrational energy, assisting us in realigning and restoring our energetic field to its natural state. The ancient Egyptians, Mayans, Incas, Aborigines and Celts all used crystals in their rituals and in the spaces they inhabited. Today, it is common for people to have crystals in their homes as they are considered both useful and beautiful. Young children especially respond very well to the power of crystals. They are very intuitive and their senses are unblocked, allowing them to receive the information that the crystals have to offer. Small crystals can be given to a child as a necklace or bracelet and they can also carry these around with them in their pockets and school bags. Larger crystal display pieces can be placed in a child’s bedroom and play area (out of their reach for very young children), they can be tucked inside dream pillows or simply placed on a bookshelf with other crystals.
Children are the best crystal healers as they have not yet had their spiritual growth stunted by the social restrictions that many adults have. They are able to use the energy of a stone to its fullest potential as they do not need to filter it through their minds like many adults do. Crystals are often recommended for children with anxiety as they can help to calm the mind and promote restful sleep. Other stones such as rose quartz are helpful to soothe the heart and encourage a positive outlook. Obsidian is known to deflect negative energy and encourages protection, while fluorite helps to release anxieties and ease depression.
Adults often like to keep a small crystal on their desk or bedside table as a talisman to help with concentration, focus and clarity. Quartz crystal points are very popular with meditators as they are said to enhance spiritual awareness, while amethyst is very calming and can be used for insomnia and nightmares.
Incorporating crystals in your home is an easy and natural way to help ensure that the entire family is protected from electronic energy, geopathic stress and EMF frequencies. If you have a living room with a TV, place some grounding Black Tourmaline and protective Selenite crystals in the corner of the room to absorb any negative vibrations.
If you wish to create a larger crystal grid, place 5 or 9 crystals in the centre of your house and use a compass to determine the directional points of the grid (North, South, East and West for a room, North, East, South and West for a building). Then, as with any other crystal healing technique, set your intention, place each crystal in position and bury them in the earth. Adding an additional crystal in the middle of the grid is particularly beneficial as it balances and strengthens the energies. Anytime you feel the need to reaffirm your intentions, simply visualise each crystal with its purpose in your head and imagine the energy flowing into it.