Healing Crystal For Back Pain

healing crystal for back pain

Back pain is one of the most common ailments that affects the human body. Fortunately, there are multiple natural remedies that can provide instant relief from this painful condition. Essential oils can warm the muscles to ease aches and pains, while massages and other physical therapies can stimulate blood flow to speed up healing. Crystals are also considered powerful healing tools for back pain. They have energy properties that can calm the nerves, relax tense muscles and ease the inflammation of the joints. The healing energy of crystals is believed to work through a vibrational resonance that activates the chakras and restores balance to the physical body.

The best healing crystal for back pain is Hematite, which energizes and balances the root and sacral chakras to release emotional blockages that cause back problems. This crystal is also useful for healing back injuries and restoring cellular health. It is a good choice for people who suffer from lower and upper back pain caused by poor posture when using computers or sitting for long periods of time.

Another excellent stone for relieving back pain is Malachite, which energizes the immune system and releases backaches and joint pain. It also works well on arthritis. Gently massaging the affected area of your back with a tumbled Malachite sphere can alleviate back pain. You can even place a tumbled piece of this gemstone on your desk to remind you to adopt a healthier posture at work.

Smoky Quartz has a calming and grounding energy that can relieve back pain, muscle cramps and tensions. It also boosts immunity and protects the aura. You can hold a Smoky Quartz in your hand, repeat a positive affirmation or meditate with it to connect with its healing energy and get tuned into its vibrational frequency. You can then place the stone on your back or tense areas of the body.

Sunstone is another excellent crystal for easing back pain. It cleanses the Sacral chakra of stagnant energies and activates the solar plexus to increase self-confidence. It is also beneficial for heart ailments and can alleviate chest pains.

Other healing crystals for back pain include smoky quartz, citrine, rose quartz, jasper, aventurine, obsidian and agate. Black tourmaline is also effective for relieving rheumatic and arthritic back pains. For nagging headaches, try a dark amethyst, while chrysocolla, copper and zoisite are beneficial for migraines.

Lastly, the throat chakra crystal, Lapis Lazuli, helps to relieve neck pain and strengthens the body’s communication channels. It is also great for easing the symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress.